Northville Civic Concern

School Collection Months:
September: Thornton Creek
October: Hillside/Meads Mil
November: Cooke
December: Moraine
January: Amerman
February: Silver Springs
March: NHS
April: Early Childhood/ Winchester
May: RidgeWood
June: Hillside/Meads Mill
Please consider donation of food or money to support our program. All donations are completely tax deductible. Food can be dropped off during business hours, or you can mail a check to:
Northivlle Civic Concern
PO Box 323
Northivlle, Mi 48167
Online donations can be made via Paypal using the link below:


We always need help with special projects.
Creative ways you can help:
1. For your child's next birthday ask that guests bring a bag of non-perishible food items instead of a gift.
2. Organize a neighborhood food drive.
3. Collect paper products or diapers at your next meeting.
4. Create a family change jar that will go toward a monetary donation.
5. Ask your company if they have a gift match program. If so, encourage your co-workers to make a matchable donation to Civic Concern.