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Northville Civic Concern
Please consider volunteering your time, resources, food, or money to our mission!
Time: Come volunteer to help distribute the food to our clients on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 10-1.
Food: We are always in need of the following:
Canned Goods: vegetables, fruit, meat etc.
Baby Products
Paper Products
Household Cleaners and Laundry Detergent
Resources: Many companies offer gift matching programs to their employees. This means your company may double or even triple your donation! Check with your Human Resouces department for information.

Money: 100% of monetary donations go to support our mission.
Donations can be sent to:
Norhville Civic Concern
PO Box 323
Northville, Mi 48167
Donations can also be made online using your credit card via PayPal


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